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Learning Journey in RE

Learning journey in a RE unit:


A stimulus is  offered to ENGAGE pupils with a key  religious idea. This element of   

the process connects pupils’ with the theme of the unit,        

and form a ‘bridge’ from children’s lives into the world of religion,

enabling them to make    

and deepen links in their learning.



A key question related to the learning in each unit forms the title of the unit,

but further questions are co-constructed and agreed with the children at this stage,

setting the ENQUIRY within the context of the unit.


Then, children set out to EXPLORE religions and/or worldviews in relation to the     

key idea/focus of the ENQUIRY and the questions developed in the 

ENQUIRE stage, investigating the religious ideas and concepts through

         a mix  of teacher- and pupil led activities.   




Finally, children are given opportunities to EXPRESS their own ideas and insights

about what they have learnt during the ENQUIRY, which might be through cross-curricular

tasks, such as art, English or ICT, linking RE with other subjects.


Children then EVALUATE, reflecting on their learning using an age-appropriate

      balance of personal reflections and impersonal critical-thinking skills.

Children’s evaluations relate to the question(s) that have been the focus of the    

unit, and create opportunities for them to learn from religion.