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Nursery Admissions

Admission Procedure – Nursery Class

Our Nursery provides education for children between 2 and 4 years of age.

For 3 year olds –

In England all three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of funded early education and childcare a week for up to 38 weeks a year. This is to give children the opportunity to take part in planned learning activities, and help prepare them for school through the early learning goals set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is a universal offer and is available to all children regardless of their family circumstances.

Children are normally able to join the nursery class in the term following their third birthday. We aim to offer the children in nursery at least three terms of nursery education prior to entry into reception classes of a mainstream school.

We do offer limited places for the free 30 hours extended offer. To check your eligibility please follow these links:

If you are eligible for this offer, please contact our nursery team, either by phone on 01372 813615 or by email on for more information.  

Our current offer for 3 year olds is:

  • Session 1 - Mon and Tues 9am - 3pm, and Wed 9am - 12am (term time only)
  • Session 2 - Wed 12am - 3pm, Thurs and Fri 9am - 3pm (term time only)
  • Session 3 - 30-hour eligibility only - Mon to Fri 9am - 3pm (term time only)

For 2 year olds (FEET eligible) -

  •  Session 1 - Mon and Tues 9am - 3pm, and Wed 9am - 12am (term time only)
  •  Session 2 - Wed 12am - 3pm, Thurs and Fri 9am - 3pm (term time only)

For more information on FEET funded nursery places, please visit: 

How to Apply

Generally you should register your child for a nursery place well in advance of when they are eligible to start.  We take applications from when children are born. Parents wishing their child to attend the nursery must complete an application from clearly indicating their preferred option. Every effort is made to accommodate their wishes. Please contact the office on 01372 813615 for an application form or you can download the form below.  The school will endeavour to  inform parents by letter of the outcome of their application at least one term before admission. 

Book a Nursery Tour

We welcome all prospective parents to visit us for a tour of our lovely school and nursery. To register your interest in attending a tour, please follow the link below to complete the online form.

Book a Nursery Tour To register your interest in attending a Nursery tour, please follow this link to complete the online form.