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Safeguarding and Child Protection

If you are worried that any child is being abused, you can contact the NSPCC either via their website (click here) or by telephone (0800 028 0285). NSPCC also has excellent advice for parents about keeping their children safe, including when online. You can find this by clicking here.

Who to contact if you are concerned about a child:

Our School's Designated Safeguarding Leads


Anna Gattey

Designated Safeguard Lead 



                     Ellizabeth Killin                      Hannah Gray               Sarah Harrison           Carolanne Gale 

                     Online Safety Lead             

Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads 

Rosemary Deacon 

Safeguarding Governor


 Leatherhead Trinity takes its responsibilities to protect its children from all forms of abuse very seriously. We have in place a specialised safeguarding team, and have developed multiple policies and approaches to guarantee children's safety.

  • Leatherhead Trinity Safeguard Policy 
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education 


Operation Encompass

The school has taken the opportunity to join the Operation Encompass scheme, which will run jointly between local schools, Surrey Police and Surrey County Council.

Operation Encompass has been designed to provide early reporting on any domestic incidents that occur outside of school and might have an impact on a child in school. For further information please see the letter that was sent to all parents here and the Operation Encompass website.

Multi-Agency Team Around the School

We work closely with multiple Government agencies and charities to ensure the safety of our pupils.  Below are the agencies and services that Leatherhead Trinity has the most contact with:

Safeguarding and Online Safety

Leatherhead Trinity School is committed to helping our children be safe and confident explorers of the online world. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent, effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school.

Online Safety Policy

The use of online tools and resources are now routine within education and within our school. Within school, steps are taken to minimise inadvertent or inappropriate use of the internet or of electronic communications. Our internal precautions include:

  • Regular assemblies for all year groups about e-safety
  • Our internal online filtering system managed by our service provider
  • E-safety reminders to children during computing lessons
  • Year 6 follow Google’s ‘Be Internet Legends’ programme of study during PSHE lessons
  • Updates to e-safety and safeguarding shared with all members of staff during staff meetings

If you have any serious concerns about your child or any other pupil at Leatherhead Trinity School, please do not hesitate to contact one of the designated Safeguarding Leads as pictured at the top of this page.

Using the Internet at Home

There are some links below to advice about using the internet at home. We promote the use of online tools and resources, however there are some important safeguards that we advise parents to consider.

They include:

  • Locating the family computer in a public place, preferably downstairs
  • Not allowing laptops (and even mobile phones) in bedrooms
  • Having clear rules about ‘offline’ time, for instance a time in the evening when phones and computers are turned off
  • Using software designed to restrict access to programmes and websites
  • Further advice is available through the CEOP supported Think You Know website -

Links for Children

You can call free on 0800 111111. Whatever your worry, Childline is here for you.

Links for Parents

Mindworks Surrey

Call our free 24/7 emotional wellbeing and mental health crisis line.  Available for young people aged 6 years and over, their families and carers within Surrey

Contact CEOP if you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with your child online.

Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online.

The NSPCC's website has some great advice on bullying and cyberbullying.

Facebook/Social media sites

Children of primary school age are not entitled to use social media sites such as Facebook. Children will not be using social media sites during school hours. We also ask parent/carers not to name school, staff or other children on any form of social media, or share photographs of any school events.

Advice about key social media platforms and apps including TikTok, WhatsApp and Snapchat.


All staff receive annual update training on the PREVENT DUTY which aims to eradicate radicalisation.

Advice for parents about keeping pupils safe online can be downloaded from the links to the right.


Young Carers Policy and Practice

Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery is delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Young Carers Angel Award by Surrey County Council. We would like to thank the staff and young carers who have been working continuously towards this award since February 2020. We are very proud that we have been awarded The Angel Award again in 2024.   

What is a Young Carer?

A young carer as a person aged 5-18, living in Surrey, who provides practical or emotional care for a member of their family with a long-term illness, physical disability or learning difficulty, mental ill health or substance or alcohol dependency.  Children can be a short term or long term carer. 

Upon admission to Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery parents/carers identify if/not that their child is a Young Carer and this is updated throughout their lifetime at Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery.

How are Young Carers supported at Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery?

  • Day by day pastoral support from the class teacher or Learning Support Assistant (LSA)
  • Focused monitoring to ensure your child is not falling behind with their learning due to the additional responsibilities that they have on a regular basis
  • 1:1 sessions for times of challenge or crisis from the Pastoral Team
  • Opportunity to take part in experiences offered to the school for vulnerable children
  • Respite support offers of holiday clubs as offered locally and within their terms and conditions
  • Access to Surrey Young Carer events and opportunities e.g. Fun Days
  • Children, staff and parents/carers can make a referral to our ELSA team for support
  • Annual age appropriate assembly to raise awareness, understanding and provide opportunity to talk about Young Carers
  • PSHE lessons throughout each year provide lessons on being a Young Carer
  • All staff are trained to identify, champion and know how to refer children for short and long term support 

How do I let the school know my child is a Young Carer?

Share this information at time of admission, or when the family needs change, either in the short or long term.

What additional support is available outside of school?

Action for carers website has so much support available in person and online

You can make a referral to Surrey Young Carers there too.