Phonics resources
In reception we use RWI (Read Write Inc) to teach phonics. It is a fantastic way to teach children to read and write. For more information on RWI, please see the link below.
Red word book marks:
We use RWI to teach phonics at our school. As part of this scheme, words that cannot be sounded out are called 'red' words. (Words that can be sounded out are 'green' for go)
Below is a link to the red word book marks. If you feel your child has mastered the book mark they are currently working on please feel free to move on to the next one. Remember that your child needs to be able to read the words out of order before progressing to the next level.PLEASE NOTE: The book marks are not in order in the document. The correct order is as follows:
Red, Green, Purple, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Grey